These Testimonials were translated using Google translator
Dear Tuvia,
We want to bring to your attention the excellence of your salesperson, Guy Nahum
Although we are not one of your biggest clients, his Attitude, approach and readiness to help always is way above the average.
Yossi breaks
Sales department
Arden Electrical Engineering Ltd.

Appreciation and gratitude
We have several kinds of level meters in our wastewater Institute.
The instruments are working to our full satisfaction.
Eyal Levy, the service person, stands to our disposal at any given time.
We appreciate a great deal his courtesy, availability and professionalism.
Thank you
Lion Porat
Mt’s Beit Shemesh

Dear Tuvia,
I would like to share with you an experiment I did.
Lately we had some issues with frequency changers who affected all of our measurement readings
I remembered I had a similar issue before and the solution was to change the pressure sensor to another one with a better resistance
I took several pressure sensors I had in my storage and checked them all, none of them worked except to yours
I wrote it to help anyone who has a similar problem.
Pardon Mordechai

Re: Letter of thanks
Dear Tuvia,
Yesterday evening, at about 20:00 an ultrasonic controller lost data and caused the hotel’s sewage pit a huge flood.
We called Eyal, your service technician and he was happy to help without hesitation. He found the pit’s data which was kept on his computer half a year ago, and for 40 minutes he explained to me over the phone how to restore all data to the point of checking the integrity of all the pumps.
I must say, Eyal did it wonderfully and professionally, while providing a feeling of wanting to give service above and beyond expectations.
I heartily thank Eyal service given to me, and there were more like him.
Of course, we will continue to install controllers which all ignorance gradually
Thank you,
Meyer dug – Maintenance Manager

in honor of:
Mr T. Granot
MEGATRON Electronics Control Ltd.
M. Snir
“Rotem-Amfert Negev”
Re: measuring the temperature of engine-power
Tuvia, peace and blessing.
At the end of October 2006 we started the contract for purchase measurement device temperature to avoid traveling “Siemens” 600hp
Dredge, the designation was moved to avoid lifting “Siemens” 1200hp due to problems in setting up the project.
It was not clear whether there is a measuring temperature to prevent the lift because the main computer screen was not right, we would
Problem Getting a serial connection of “ABB” Temperature sensors, type “PT-100” while it is clear to you, and to Jacob all the pieces “PT-100”
Individual terminal device receives protection.
We acted for advice and connected the device “MPT-6” you acquired your guidelines and Jacob, I plugged it in for the sake of ‘
General warnings dredge window lift motor, and saw that it was good.
Construction works were completed and the new screen of “ABB” appeared in the temperature of the engine platform (as a serial connection of “ABB”) just
The same value that appears on the screen of the device “MEGATRON” (with your connection and “Oshpiz”).
My personal opinion is Slmnoaim as great as the excavator should have been there to give the protection you give, I can not
Modify the program of “ABB” and remain in their form, especially since “ABB” Signal produced using sensors
Their lower engine load depending on the increase in temperature which wraps.
I wanted to update you, and thank all of you for the contribution to the project, I personally I became acquainted with your excellent device (and connected
Back to avoid travel according to your format) and hope that we meet here in my site.
Thanks to friends, and good-bye.
A. Golan (R.a.g maintenance of Mines)
S. Leibowitz (Director Bim”l “Oshpiz”)
Shuki Abramovich (Director of the Driving “ABB” Israel)

In honor of MEGATRON electronics and control LTD
Re: letter of appreciation for Sirotcm
According to our review conclusion of 2010, I hereby indicate your company is among the leading providers of service in terms of annual average assessment score of 100.
I hereby emphasize that score consists of the following parameters:
• timely.
• product quality.
• suitable packaging.
• Mark correct order and items at the request of strain.
The amount of the appropriate delivery order.
• The combination of quality certificate for each product.
We see the parameters are of major importance in the purchasing process.
We hope that you will continue to be among the most respected suppliers in terms of refinery service.
On behalf of Oil Refineries Ltd.
Eli Levy – Director of Supply Chain